Western Chapter


From one Centre in 2006 to 4 Centers in 2019, Western Chapter has tremendously grown and we are currently at 35+ community driven Social Justice Centres with higher growth projections in a few years time. Nyando Human Rights Development Network [NYAHURIADEN] was the first Social JusticeCentre to be established in the Western Chapter with support from Kituo Cha Sheria in 2006.This was followed by the establishment of Magharibi Community Justice Centre in December 2018 , Kondele Social Justice Centre & Kondele Community Justice Centre on 20 th February2019 bringing the total number to 4.

The first Working Group meeting was held on 9th May 2019 , a few days after a training by the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders on HRDs Security Management &; MDR Training held from 29 th April to 3 rd May 2019 at the Victoria Comfort Hotel in Kisumu. The movement has grown and currently we have more than 35 Social Justice Centres spread across the former Nyanza region ; in Kisumu County[ 11 SJCs ], Kakamega County [ ], Vihiga County[ ], Homabay County [ ], Migori County [5 SJCs ], Siaya County [ ] with a membership of more than 300 Comrades. Other subsequent Working Group meetings were held monthly in rotational basis where the centres were the host.The need for having a constitution to guide members conduct , admission of the new upcoming centres and election of the Chapter leadership came in handy as the growth was rapid and without a binding document , we were bound to have constant conflicts which had to be prevented early.


During a Working Group meeting held in Magharibi CJC in 2020, a team was formed to draft the constitution and share in the subsequent meeting for discussion and adoption . This process took much time than expected as some members did not want to be held accountable by a having a binding document in place but rather wanted to operate as big brothers /sisters.Nevertheless , the Chapter Constitution was adopted at a meeting convened at the Great Lakes Hotel for the Norwegian supported GBV Project where the then leadership creatively ensured that all the Convenors in the Working Group were available to attend and meet thereafter. The constitution was debated and adopted to pave way for the elections .


An Elections ad-hoc Committee was formed after a call was sent out . The committee comprised of 7 Comrades with diverse backgrounds . Those who vied for the vacant positions paid a Registration fee of 1,000/= each which they used for a few logistics and printing of the ELECTIONS CERTIFICATE . They held their meetings and settled on the Elections date which was held at Magharibi Community Justice Centre in July 2021 for a two year renewable period.

Those elected were ;

  1. Chapter Convenor -Comrade Collins Kodhek
  2. Chapter Secretary – Comrade Halima Nyota
  3. Chapter Finance Officer – Paul Mark and later replaced by Comrade Samson Onditi.
  4. Representative 1 -Faith Akumu Ouko
  5. Representative 2 -Godfrey Ambenge


  1. Adoption of the Chapter Constitution
  2. Formation of County Cell Leadership
  3. Formation of Chapter Committees.
  4. Representation of Center members in Court Users Committee in various counties.
  5. Establishing of Gender Desks in community Justice centres to strengthen GBV reporting and documentation.
  6. Working Group centres actively taking lead in County technical working group committees at County levels.
  7. Hosting of monthly virtual working group meetings and Chapter Kamukunjis.
  8. Implementation of Partners supported Community activities [ GBV, HAKI MTAANI, ELECTIONS MONITORING , POLICE BRUTALITY among others]
  9. Having a Chapter Host Centre for our funds….Kondele SJC
  10. Social Media visibility of our centres
  11. Most of our Centres are represented in the local CUCs .
  12. Some of our Centres are represented in the Ward Climate Change Committees.
  13. Being strong advocates for the Nationalization of the Movement.
  14. Growing membership and Committed Leadership


  1. Growing membership with no strong database
  2. Unsecured local offices with sensitive data.
  3. Lack of capacity to host monthly inperson Working Group meetings due to geographicalarea.
  4. Varied Centre growth and incapacity to Domestic Resource Mobilization Plans.
  5. Inadequate training of the young cadres on Social Movement and Political Education.
  6. Inadequate resources for administration at the Chapter level.