Extrajuducial Killing & Police Violations
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From the month of April the SJCWG Monitors managed to document a total of 22 cases in the 4 regions.
- 5 Forced disappearances and I unclear case.
- 16 Police Killing.
- 1 unclear case in Kasarani.
The month of April SJCWG monitors from 4 Regions managed to document 2 Ed’s cases in Nairobi.
In the month of May SJCWG recorded 3PKs cases and 1 unclear case, all 3 cases were recorded in Nairobi County, 2 from Kayole, 1 from Mathare, all the 3 cases were reported to IPOA for investigation. The 1 PK in Mathare was followed up by the SJCWG and ongoing.
In the month of June 2022 the SJCWG data collectors managed to document a total of 3 cases in all 4 counties, 1 extrajudicial killings case in Nakuru, 1 extrajudicial killings and1 enforced disappearance in Nairobi, there was no EJEs cases in Kisumu and Eldoret.
In the month July 2022 SJCWG monitors from 4 Regions managed to document a total of 8 PKs and 1 Unclear ED case in Kisumu Nyando related to land issues. 4 were recorded in Nairobi and 4 in Nakuru County. The 4 PK in Nakuru were followed up by Human rights organizations demanding police accountability, all 4 cases were connected to a police crackdown on criminal gangs in that were believed to have been terrorizing the community, the other 4 PK in Nairobi have not been followed up but documented by the Social justice centres, 1 case was in Njiru Shilanga area, 1 documented from the media NTV and followed up by the social justice centres and 2 cases were recorded in Mathare, no follow up has been made
From the month AUGUST 2022 SJCWG monitors from 4 Regions have managed to document a total of 3 PKs and 1 Unclear ED case, the ED case was documented in Kayole and the 3 PK have been followed up by Human rights organizations demanding police accountability, in this case the Social Justice centres working group.
For the month of September 2022 SJCWG monitors from 4 Regions have managed to document a total of 1 ED case in Nairobi and 1 Police torture case in Nakuru. On this month we recorded low EJEs and ED in Nakuru, Eldoret and Kisumu we did not have any case. The 1 case was recorded in Kayole and the ED case in Nairobi was reported to IPOA, IJM and IMLU.
The month of October the monitors from the four regions managed to document and report 2 cases of EDs in Kisumu County, documented by Nyando Social Justice Centre, in Nairobi, Eldoret and Nakuru there was no case recorded for the SJCWG database.
There has been low record of EJEs and EDs cases in the 4 regions.